




Infinite Family Health Reviews

We take pride in making sure our patients are fully satisfied with the services we provide. Below are a few of our testimonials from our patients.

"I’ve had autoimmune disorders for 39 years, neurological problems, and a genetic connective tissue disorder, making me a complex and difficult case. There have been times in my life when Western medicine has been helpful, but it’s failed me by simply treating my symptoms and never looking for the root cause of my inflammation and pain. Dr Lori is the only doctor of any kind who has been interested in my current diet, both my physical and emotional well-being, my life history, my lifestyle, improving my quality of life… You will not find a doctor who cares more and puts more effort into figuring out the puzzles of chronic illness, as well as preventative treatments. She’s encouraged me to seek treatment to improve my mental health, as I absolutely know that stress affects my physical health. I clearly see the body-mind-spirit connection and she shares my beliefs. I love and value her and feel blessed to have found her. She’s extremely knowledgeable, encouraging and very kind. She cares deeply for her patients.

Although tests that insurance won’t cover are expensive, (and I am not wealthy) it was worth every penny spent, investing in a comprehensive picture re: what’s going on in my body causing these long-term health problems. We did a large blood panel, a stool test and later a test for gene mutations. The results of these tests revealed many things, giving us a starting point in my treatment. My hormones were off, my blood cells were low, my vitamin levels were low, almost everything was off, but as I’ve followed the treatments and changes she’s recommended, all of the low levels are finally within the normal range! This practice has changed my life and I’m continuing to improve with their help!"


"With my family’s recent move to the DSM metro area came an opportunity to be treated by a functional medicine doctor and I’m so thankful to have found Dr. Lori! She was recommended to me by my daughter’s vision therapy doctor – a woman whose opinion on natural health solutions I value highly. I am passionate about learning better ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices into my daily life and Dr. Lori has provided me with a wealth of ideas and counsel for doing this. I appreciate her background in traditional medicine but am most thankful for her guided approach to health care NOT sick care. I am grateful to be in good health and understand I can make lifestyle choices now to improve and maintain a level of health where I can be in optimal condition to enjoy life to its fullest. Dr. Lori is an incredible partner for this journey and she imparts her knowledge, passion, and expertise to help me live my best life. THANK YOU, Dr. Lori. ~"


"I have been a patient of Dr Lori for so long, I can’t even remember how many years it has been. Certainly even before her move to functional medicine.
She is first and foremost, a very caring individual, who’s incredibly knowledgeable, and takes the time to get to the root of the problem. She has helped me peel back the layers of my symptoms and look at the whole picture of my health. She understands my personal way of dealing with these layers and works WITH me (not just telling me what I should do or throwing a pill at them) to move towards total wellness.
I know that she has my best interest at heart and would encourage others to see for themselves how good they can feel if they look at their health with (maybe) a different kind of approach. Dr Lori can help you look deeper at the cause of your symptoms and set you on the path to feeling better."


"My first visit with Dr. Lori was approximately six years ago when she began practicing functional medicine. I am happy and grateful to be able to continue seeing Dr. Lori in her integrative medicine practice at Infinite Family Health. My main goals are to stay healthy throughout the aging process by making some lifestyle changes, including eating habits, exercise, and meditation, all recommended and encouraged by Dr. Lori. One of the things I like most about Dr. Lori is she explains the way conventional medicine looks at something and then how functional medicine views it, making it easy to understand the difference. Dr. Lori develops a plan which we both agree on. I had a fairly big problem with my intestinal system, which Dr. Lori did an excellent job of helping me resolve through dietary changes, stress management, and supplements. I appreciate and value Dr. Lori’s expertise in integrative medicine, her warm, friendly, caring, positive attitude, as well as her sharing her faith and trust in God. In November of 2021, I experienced a TIA eight days after receiving the Covid booster shot. Dr. Lori has been a tremendous help in my recovery from that."


"My daughter, Tanji, started seeing Dr Lori about 8 years ago. Tanji has Down Syndrome and grew up happy and healthy except for an occasional sinus infection. At 18 she got pneumonia and it wouldn’t go away. She had 3 dental restoration surgeries within a couple of years. She also had the pneumonia, tetanus, and flu vaccines about this time.

First thing I noticed was that she seemed to start regressing. She was mute for a couple months, losing her hair (alopecia), having stomach pain, not sleeping, developed skin issues (psoriasis), had jaw pain, was overly sensitive to sounds, started making verbal utterances, clearing her throat, seemed to have reflux, and she was getting very possessive and obsessive. We went to conventional doctors, and they ran tests. They said she had unspecified inflammation and not to worry about it. We did an ultrasound for her stomach, and she had a little constipation, and offered her all the typical drugs for that. But nothing seemed to help. They did an upper GI and came back with gastritis, and more meds for that that didn’t help. They said the stomach issues were causing the acid reflux; therefore, not being able to lay down and get to sleep. (That turned out to be a severe case of sleep apnea). For the skin issues, they gave her topical corticosteroids and lotions which didn’t help either. With lack of sleep and pending graduation anxieties, she was a mess.

After she graduated, the world she once knew fell apart. She became depressed and angry because she never felt well, and all her friends were going off to college. I had been taking a spiritual health and wellness class offered at our church, and I was learning about essential oils and herbs and how they used them to heal Jesus and other people of the Bible. So, I went to Google to seek out alternative healthcare. That’s where I found Dr. Zach, and then Dr. Lori took over soon after.

Dr. Lori did a very thorough health assessment including a urine and stool test. With those results Dr. Lori made a health plan to start Tanji on a path of healing. First, we took her off gluten and dairy, and put her on some gut healing supplements. We cleaned up her diet - no sugar, dyes, preservatives, etc. This was no easy task, but it didn’t take long for her stomach pain to stop. Then we went to work on her “leaky gut.” She was malnourished because everything she ate was leaking into her bloodstream. It was so bad that it was traveling up her vagus nerve into her brain causing the brain inflammation. We knew we had to go slow, but we needed to start detoxing her from all the toxins, candida, fungus, bacteria, etc. that were circulating in her body.

We slowly “unpeeled the layers,” as Dr. Lori would say. It was hard at first. Tanji was more sick, raging, and nauseous; however, she started to feel better. All the while Dr. Lori was right there beside us. I can’t tell you how many emails I sent her asking for help!! She would reassess, adjust her supplements, and she would say that she would keep us in her prayers. That meant so much to me. She really truly cares and takes all the time you need at your appointments. She eventually reached out to a colleague that does Bio Energy. They collaborated with each other, and we now have a well thought out care plan for Tanji.

I am so blessed to say that I have my old Tanji back. She is healthier than she’s ever been. She even got Covid and didn’t have any problems except a little fatigue. She is in a good place now with her health. I can’t thank Dr. Lori enough for not just putting a Band-Aid on her and stuffing her with meds. She got to the root of her problems, and we know how to keep her healthy now. Dr. Lori is the best and I have recommended her to everyone I know!!"


"My health journey started years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was told there was no cure and I would be on medication for the rest of my life. I eventually learned more about nutrition and was able to go off the meds but the symptoms would come and go.

Fast forward to the summer of 2019. I started seeing Dr. Lori. She really helped me and I was symptom free for more then a year and a
half. This was the longest up to this point; however, the symptoms reappeared around March. I was discouraged but I really prayed about which path I should take. I felt led to find Dr. Lori. I'm glad I did! I always feel so much better when I walk out of her office. I have been following her plan for the last couple months and have seen significant improvement. We decided we need to focus more on maintenance when I get to that point. One thing I really like about Dr. Lori is that she doesn't just focus on the physical symptoms. She reminded me that emotional issues can also contribute to the symptoms. I know with her help I am going to get to the place where they don't come back!

We are very fortunate to have Dr. Lori in this area. I've gone to a few good FM Drs who were out of state but overall I consider her the best. She is very knowledgeable and caring and compassionate towards her patients. She always has a good plan but is never pushy. I highly recommend her in any case but especially if like me you don't get the help you need from traditional medicine."


"In 2017 I was diagnosed with Celiac disease by my traditional doctor. The advice I was given was avoid gluten and you will be fine. After avoiding gluten for about 2 years, I grew more and more sick. In the spring of 2019 that manifested into peaking at my highest weight (over 400 lbs!) and full blown diverticulitis and life altering back problems. Yet the advice remained the same, avoid gluten. Finally in January 2020 a PT suggested I contact Dr. Lori. Her advice was simple, but the advice I needed. She said, ‘You need to find out what is broken before you can fix it.’

That is exactly what Dr. Lori set out to do. We did a very in depth series of tests, blood panels, and work-ups and determined my GI issues were the manifestation of autoimmune disorders. She gave me the tools I needed to begin to mend the root cause of the issues and the support to work on it.

As of today, I can say that not only has my weight returned to healthier levels, but my body is in a completely different place. She took the time to listen and understand and then gave me a very specific plan that fit what I needed to do. I now understand what my body needs and, with her continued support and guidance, I will be better tomorrow than I am today. Which is miles better than I was when we met two plus years ago!"



"I have had several autoimmune conditions, beginning with Rheumatoid Arthritis as a very young child. As an adult, having another condition made me very nervous and I knew I needed to get to root cause. I would like to be free of all prescription medication. Working with Dr. Lori has truly been a delight. She is amazingly knowledgeable. I have worked with other practitioners and none compare to Dr. Lori. She is very respectful and collaborative in her approach to patient care. She truly cares about her patients. We have identified key issues. I've seen strong progress and resolution. So far, I've greatly reduced my needed medication and believe there is a strong likelihood that I will be completely free of medication. I feel great! I highly recommend Dr. Lori!"



"When I first started seeing Dr. Lori, I was struggling to lose the weight I gained after my 2nd baby. I was 2.5 YEARS post partum and was tired of hearing people tell me “that’s just what it’s like when you get older” or “comes with having kids.” In addition to the extra weight, my brain fog was severe… not to mention allergies, heartburn, fatigue and a myriad of other issues.

I started down the traditional medicine route and after several specialist visits the endocrinologist diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s and put me on medication “for life.” I didn’t notice many symptoms improve after starting that medication, but my numbers were in the “normal” range so, despite how I was feeling, from the medical perspective all was good.

My first visit with Dr. Lori, following my initial blood draw and stool sample, was one of the most eye opening experiences of my life. She spent nearly 2 hours with me and explained the lab reports in detail. She coached me through some hard life changes (specifically with diet) and aided my recovery with supplements. She taught me how to listen to my body and make adjustments when something feels off.

It took a full year to get my body healthy with lifestyle, diet and supplement changes, but I feel amazing. Having kids, and having them close together, can deplete your body of important resources. My first 2 kids are 2.5 years apart, and then 7 years later we had a 3rd little girl. With Dr. Lori’s help, my body handled that 3rd pregnancy better than the other 2, and we had a much shorter recovery to replenish the nutrients I needed.

Changing habits is hard work, but Dr. Lori is patient and encouraging. She makes sure you have all of the resources you need and teaches you the reasoning behind the recommendations. Her passion for health and for her clients shines through in every interaction. From Michele:

My health journey started years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was told there was no cure and I would be on medication for the rest of my life. I eventually learned more about nutrition and was able to go off the meds but the symptoms would come and go.

Fast forward to the summer of 2019. I started seeing Dr. Lori. She really helped me and I was symptom free for more then a year and a half. This was the longest up to this point; however, the symptoms reappeared around March. I was discouraged but I really prayed about which path I should take. I felt led to find Dr. Lori. I'm glad I did! I always feel so much better when I walk out of her office. I have been following her plan for the last couple months and have seen significant improvement. We decided we need to focus more on maintenance when I get to that point. One thing I really like about Dr. Lori is that she doesn't just focus on the physical symptoms. She reminded me that emotional issues can also contribute to the symptoms. I know with her help I am going to get to the place where they don't come back!

We are very fortunate to have Dr. Lori in this area. I've gone to a few good FM Drs who were out of state but overall I consider her the best. She is very knowledgeable and caring and compassionate towards her patients. She always has a good plan but is never pushy. I highly recommend her in any case but especially if like me you don't get the help you need from traditional medicine."



"When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 8 years ago, that began my journey into functional medicine. After a few different doctors I found Dr. Lori. She was wonderful!! She helped educate me on my disease and the treatment options. She was always willing to listen to my concerns and adjust treatment to meet my needs and lifestyle. I never feel rushed with Dr. Lori and she is open to new ideas and trying different things to help me feel my best.

I have decided to continue my care with Dr Lori after trying out some other practices when she moved to Infinite Family Health and quickly realized that Dr. Lori was my best fit. I look forward to improving my health and wellbeing even more under her care. She has a wonderful ability to explain things clearly, so I can understand them, helping me to make informed decisions about my health. I feel lucky to have found not only a knowledgeable Dr but a caring and compassionate one as well!"



"I have been seeing Dr. Lori for approximately 20 years, first through traditional medicine and then followed her as she transitioned to functional medicine. After experiencing depression type symptoms, rising A1C and female issues Dr. Lori ran blood work. She suggested I add some specific supplements and prescribed a hormone to me at that time. Within a few weeks I felt like a new person. I was relieved that I wasn't suffering from depression and that Dr. Lori found a natural way for me to feel better. I had other doctors that were ready to write a prescription for antidepressants without even running blood work. Dr. Lori has been a great support source to help me overcome my sugar addiction as well. She encourages healthy eating and staying physically active. Dr. Lori suggested I add meditation/prayer to my daily routine during one of my visits at the beginning of the pandemic when I was experiencing a lot of stress. I have found that to be very helpful. She has helped me to take back my health from pharmaceuticals and put it into my own hands by choosing healthy eating habits, exercise and meditation/prayer. I can't thank her enough!"



"I have trusted Dr. Miller as my Primary Care Physician for approximately 20 years. Dr. Miller is an outstanding physician. She listens to my concerns and determines the best care plan for my particular issue. Dr. Miller explains her treatment regimen in detail and makes sure I understand how we are going to proceed. She is very responsive to my questions and concerns, and she always is professional. She has an excellent bedside manner. I highly recommend Dr. Miller without hesitation."


"I began seeing Dr. Lori in 2019 for a myriad of undiagnosed health concerns. Dr. Lori is a very kind, caring, patient provider and a resourceful and invaluable partner in my health journey. I had several ongoing health issues/concerns and had been unable to find a medical doctor who a) would run the necessary labs to determine an appropriate course of action, or b) would genuinely pursue answers to my medical needs versus just telling me that, It's just stress! Yes, people have stress in their lives, but that doesn't mean that they don't have genuine medical issues. Unfortunately, many medical doctors only order the basic labs which only give them a picture of what's going on in a patient. It's like trying to solve a puzzle when you can only see 1-2 pieces of it. If you genuinely want to solve the puzzle, you need to be able to see the bigger picture. Dr. Lori ordered a full lab panel and additional tests. She did a great job interpreting my labs and explaining them to me in a way that is easy to understand. I appreciate that she's willing to run whatever tests are required to determine the root cause of a health situation while helping the patient chart a course to a healthier life. Under her care, my medical conditions are improving. She's given me a solid plan of action moving forward. I also appreciate that she uses more natural solutions to medical problems. I highly recommend her."


"I am a male in my late 70’s and am, fortunately, in good health. I have also been fortunate to be in the care of an excellent internist who is my primary care physician. He is a very good diagnostician and his treatment protocols for acute problems have been helpful. However, his approach to more chronic problems is quite traditional, almost always includes medication. In my opinion, medication does not cure the problem and may cause additional issues. Dr. Miller’s approach is to find the basic cause of a condition and change that so the problem is attacked from a functional standpoint. She is very thorough in her interpretation of your test results, and she spends as much time as you need to understand things. She takes your thoughts and feelings into consideration and is relentless in pursuit of assisting you. For the first time in my medical journey, I feel that I have a partner who is not judgmental and who is truly interested in my progress. I have not added medications to my daily routine and have made progress in several more “chronic” issues thanks to her"


"Sometimes it’s just the little things that get you down—low energy, leg cramps, poor sleep—none of them on their own that drastic, but taken as a whole, something I felt a functional doctor would address without downplaying my concerns. So I was excited to find Dr. Lori Miller. She has guided me through the last 4 years helping me with the whole picture and how different things relate to my well-being. My blood panels have improved in all areas. More energy, no leg cramps, great sleep. I’m a happy customer for Dr. Lori’s brand of care."


"My entire family has been with Dr. Lori for years. We trust her guidance! Dr. Lori was our family practitioner for about 12 years before we discovered Functional/Integrative Medicine. I had a few different doctor's appointments about 4 years ago - one for rheumatoid arthritis and another for dizziness. Things weren't getting better and I needed answers. I found those answers with Dr. Lori's help. I've been proactively working on my health ever since. The dizziness was gone almost immediately & the rheumatoid arthritis shortly after that. Dr. Lori is a lifelong learner, curious, always trying to find the root cause vs. masking things with medicine. Dr. Lori truly takes the time to listen & has a great sense of humor. I am so thankful for her presence in our lives!"


"It was 2017 and my GP had just told me that there was a problem with my liver, but no plan for treatment and if I was still in pain over the next two weeks, I could call and they would add something to my meds. In disbelief, I stared at my kitchen counter and counted the medication bottles...there were EIGHT.

Enter Dr. Lori.

Dr. Lori quickly gave me a plan and in that moment, she also gave me hope. When I had prayed for direction, I had no idea that that direction would come through Dr. Lori and her compassionate approach to sustainable functional medicine.

It has been a journey & not always easy, yet I KNEW with Dr. Lori, we were walking through that valley together. I came out the other side, still living & living WELL. I am healthier, happier and that pesky liver is no longer a problem.

Finding your way to Dr. Lori will put you on a path to an opportunity of better health. I trust her with my life, my family and my community.

Thank you, Dr. Lori ♡"



"I have trusted Dr. Lori with my care for many years at different practice locations. She always has been a valuable resource for information and support. More recently I had been having pains and challenges that were persisting, and despite doing the ‘right’ things and addressing them, I could not get them to remit. She has opened my world—my life—to a new way of being that has made all the difference. She provided clear and understandable information that I could apply in my life, all while demonstrating the highest level of care and concern. She sees me as a whole person and not just a collection of symptoms needing managed. I am a Social Worker and I am much attuned to the need for healthcare to be provided in a person-centered manner, and Dr. Lori does this better than anyone else. She accepts all aspects of one’s life and does not judge, but simply and beautifully offers options to consider for living one’s best life. (On a side note, I probably would not have been so invested in making the changes I did, if it weren’t for this. She asks me what I would like to do and doesn’t try to decide for me!) I did not feel any pressure to be or act as someone I am not, but she provided the space and the information needed to make changes that have made a difference in the health and well-being of not just me, but of my entire family. (I felt the attached photo I selected reflected this well: I went sledding with my kids this winter, which is something I would not have done prior to making the changes I did, due to the pain and tension I previously had in my body.) I have the highest level of regard and respect for who Dr. Lori is in her practice and am deeply grateful I get to have her as my doctor."


"I have been a patient of Dr. Lori's for about 7-8 years now. I started seeing her regarding peri-menopausal symptoms and loved her approach to a more customized plan to address hormonal concerns through bloodwork assessments and diet. I had my best blood lab results in 6 years at my last check! There could never be a doubt that I would follow Dr. Lori to Infinite Family Health. I never feel rushed during my visits, in fact, my appointments with Dr. Lori feel incredibly intimate. I can talk to her about anything and know she truly cares about my wellbeing in and outside her office. We are currently addressing stress and anxiety issues related to a major personal event in my life and I'm thrilled to say it's working! I feel great, my stomach distress has been eliminated, I'm sleeping better and eating better, my physical trauma responses have subsided and I'm more grounded. I can manage triggers and cope in a much more clear, empowered way. I honestly feel blessed to have Dr. Lori on my life "squad". It's rare these days to say this, which is why I wouldn't consider any other doctor, but it's really nice to have medical support from someone who is as vested in my health as I am."


“I first met Dr. Lori 5 years ago when my immune system was totally compromised by infections and my GP had no answers to bring me back to health. She worked with me and brought me back to health and continued to look into underlying issues. Now move to this year and once again I came to her when I was flat on my back with what turned out to be Long Haul COVID. Dr Lori has worked with me to continue to try new things to get me off the sofa and to rejoin the living. I’m not 100% but at least I’m able to do more than when I first saw her. It’s a long journey that she has been so good to offer new ideas, answer my questions in a very timely manner and listen to my frustrations. What also has been great timing was her willingness to share her faith in her new practice. This was an answer to prayer that I hadn’t even realized I needed. She is an encourager to be in God’s presence through all of this and remind me where my strength comes from. It has been wonderful to share this with her. I continue to share how great she is with many people and feel very blessed to have her by my side.”


“I struggled with digestive issues and with my weight for years. I was praying for answers to what was going on and for a doctor that would be willing to dig deeper to get me some answers. Since working with Dr. Lori my digestive issues are gone and we’ve discovered a couple of things that could be causing the weight issues. Dr. Lori isn’t just a doctor she’s a friend. I love that she takes the time to listen to what’s going on and that we work together to fix things. Since I started seeing Dr. Lori about five years ago, my husband and my daughter have also become her patients and they have both had dramatic improvements. When we learned that Dr. Lori was leaving her previous office we had no doubt that we were going to follow her to wherever she was going. If functional medicine is new to you, or if you’ve been thinking about scheduling an appointment, don’t hesitate. You won’t be sorry!"


Always a great experience. My family and I highly recommend this practice!


Trusted service since day one! I cannot say anything negative above the staff here!


ArleeVa123! none 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Closed Closed # # # 7986 SE Orilla Rd Cumming IA 50061 5154937096 5156084397